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This insights post is a summary of the original blog post published by Stefan Pollack of The Pollack Group. View the original blog post: A Journey of Innovation and Collaboration: Highlights from the Worldcom Public Relations Group AGM in Tokyo. The Worldcom Public Relations Group’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was…
WorldcomAGM in Tokyo, Japan Wrap up
This insights post is a summary of the original blog post published by Raffetto Herman Strategic Communications. View the original blog post: How Femtech Companies can Crack the PR Conundrum. The venture capital market is witnessing a surge in tech start-ups dedicated to women’s health, a sector known as femtech.…
RH Strategic - How Femtech Companies can Crack the PR Conundrum
This insights post is a summary of the original blog post published by Intrepid.  The full blog is available at: Crisis: Respond in 45 minutes or less, or reap the consequences. Dealing with Unforeseen PR Crisis What does a company or brand do when they’re faced with an unforeseen PR…
Intrepid insights for fast and efficient response for a PR crisis.
According to the Worldcom Confidence Index (WCI) Artificial Intelligence is one of the top four business topics in terms of active engagement by the global C Suite. But it’s also a topic that saw a significant decline in confidence in the January 2024 WCI results. So, we asked our global…
According to the Worldcom Confidence Index (WCI) ESG and sustainability is the fifth most talked about topic by the global C Suite. So, in this second post in our series of predictions and advice for 2024, our global experts look at the importance of sustainability issues.
Our sector experts among our Worldcom Public Relations Group’s Global Partners, share their predictions and advice for the top trends and challenges that will shape communications and the PR environment in Latin America in 2024, in this last post in the series of seven.
Worldcom Public Relations Group Global Partners share their predictions for the top trends and challenges that will shape communications and PR environment in 2023, and their advice on how to navigate them. Download The Future Of Communications – 2023 PR and Communications Trends eBook If you’d like to discuss our…
As Malaysia and Indonesia are two of the fastest growing economies in the world, our sector experts among our Worldcom Public Relations Group’s Global Partners, share their thoughts about what 2024 will hold in the sixth post in our predictions sequence.

2024 Digital Health Monitor for the Pharma Sector

For this report, Worldcom Healthcare selected 25 pharmaceutical companies based on their global reputation, their size and geographic presence.  

In the latest Digital Health Monitor, Worldcom Healthcare analyzed the digital media activities and footprints of 25 pharmaceutical companies in 27 countries across 11 digital channels for the period between 2023-2024. The analysis included each company’s online presence globally and in 27 countries, across 11 digital channels for the period between 2023-2024.

The study revealed that digital content and communications priorities were highly influenced by where pharma companies were headquartered, with the majority focusing messaging on the cultural perspective of their home country. By not creating content with a global and localized perspective, pharmaceutical companies are missing an opportunity to educate and protect their brand in all the countries they are active in.

Explore the 2024 Worldcom Digital Health Monitor Report to see platform performance, data by country and read recommendations from our experts. 

Download 2024 Health Monitor Report

2024 Healthcare Report Preview

Inspiring action that delivers lasting results and outcomes

We want to improve the world by helping our clients to inspire people to take actions that deliver lasting value to themselves, their organisations and society in general.

Every partner in our global partnership believes that inspiring direct action delivers immediate impact and lasting results and outcomes. And they believe that people take action when they feel confident that it will deliver the outcomes they want.

That’s why the communications strategies Worldcom partners create, focus on giving people the confidence they need to take the right action. It’s also why we work so hard in attracting qualified partners around the world who believe what we believe. And then drive continuous improvement through rigorous peer review as part of the Worldcom Management Standard.

So, if you want to inspire your audiences to take action that moves your organization forward – contact us today.

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Why Worldcom?

Global and local expertise

The Worldcom Public Relations Group® provides you access to the international creative capability of over 2000 communications professionals in 115 cities, in 49 countries on six continents.



Strength and depth

We have the scale and resources to meet client needs locally, internationally and globally.


Combined revenue

Local Knowledge

The local knowledge and connections in 115 cities, in 49 countries on six continents enables our partners to inspire direct action that delivers immediate impact and lasting results and outcomes for our clients.



Our Expertise

With the skills of over 2,000 communications professionals at your disposal, it should be no surprise that we deliver excellence across a range of communications and public relations disciplines, target audiences and industry sectors. See below for a snapshot of where and how we can add value to you and your organisation.

The Worldcom Way

Expert solutions to the (toughest) communications challenges

You can be confident our partners’ agencies will deliver what you need, quickly and with greater certainty, because they use the same approach embodied in the four qualities of the Worldcom Way:

Expertise – In depth understanding of communications challenges, that span many verticals and industries, enables Worldcom partners to solve difficult communications problems. Smart strategies deliver immediate impact that builds in momentum for lasting results and success.

Agility – Action-focused firms, with hands-on executive leadership, ensure clients get campaigns that remain dynamic and responsive to market and audience changes and needs. This means communications challenges can be addressed quickly and yield both immediate and lasting results.

Connectivity – Our partners’ connectivity with target audiences provides clients direct access to them. It is this direct connectivity that enables momentum to build and value to be developed and sustained

Action – Audiences are inspired to take action as a result of a comprehensive understanding of their behaviors, pains and needs.

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Find a partner

With the skills of over 2000 communications professionals at your disposal, it should be no surprise that we deliver excellence across a range of communications and public relations disciplines, target audiences and industry sectors. See below for a snapshot of where and how we can add value to you and your organisation.

Our International PR partner locations

Janev & Janev TQPR (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Rock Orange Agencia Interamericana de Comunicación

Confidence in best practice

The Worldcom Management Standard

The things that binds our global partnership together is the belief in our shared purpose. Each and every Worldcom partner’s commitment to that purpose means our partners can help clients anywhere in the world to inspire people to take actions that deliver lasting value to themselves, their organizations and society in general.

That commitment to delivering immediate impact and lasting value is underpinned by the Worldcom Management Standard (WMS). WMS is a rigorous peer review process that is based on the internationally recognized Consultancy Management Standard.

To remain in Worldcom all partners have to pass a regular assessment under the WMS. This ensures that not only have partners earned the confidence and support of their clients by delivering the outcomes agreed, but also have rigorous systems to ensure financial strength, operational effectiveness, creativity, innovation and the development of an inspiring workplace that attracts and retains the best talent.

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