Worldcom Experts Predict Macro Trends That Will Shape Communications In The Next 6 Months

Published on 16th September 2021

In this third part of a six-part post, our communications experts take a look at Macro Trends which they predict will be affecting the communications environment in the next six months and beyond. Thank you to our Worldcom Partners from AZ.Worldcom Japan, The Pollack Group, Phillips Group and BPress, for sharing their insightful predictions.

In addition to the trends below, you can view the Macro Trends video

Macro Trends


SDGs – What’s Next After CO2 Reduction?

All eyes should be on the first Food Systems Summit to be held in New York in September 2021. The Food Systems Summit is part of a ‘Decade of Action’ to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The summit will launch bold action to advance all 17 SDGs, each of which relies to some extent on a healthier, more sustainable and equitable food system.

Until now, it seemed the main focus of the SDGs has been to reduce global CO2 emissions, but the debate about their effectiveness has been centred on big business, with limited involvement for ordinary people. This summit is about making the world aware of the fact that we all need to work together to change the way the world produces, consumes and thinks about food. It is a summit for everyone, everywhere, and a solutions summit that requires everyone to take action to transform the global food system.

The food system debate, from a PR perspective, will invoke experts and influencers from all sectors – science, business, policy, academia, environment, education. There will be a need to reflect this topic in corporate PR strategies sooner or later.


The World’s Supply Chain Will Be Disrupted

A confluence of circumstances ranging from the pandemic to geopolitics has created unprecedented strain on the world’s supply chain. Companies are entering uncharted territory with no clarity on how and when products will be delivered as costs soar. Brands will need to be very careful about what they promise to consumers, be transparent about the process, and calibrate marketing campaigns so that they are in sync with the changes.

Cybersecurity and An Accompanying Crisis Communication Plan Is No Longer Optional

Cyberthreats are exponentially increasing as bad actors are becoming more sophisticated and expanding their efforts to hit private and public companies with ransomware attacks and more. While companies rush to bolster their technology and cybersecurity, companies can’t lose sight of their crisis communications plan. Now is the time to know how you will handle a breach and the chain of communication around that breach, aligning your executives, communications, marketing, legal, operations, technology and all other internal parties on the protocol.


There Will Be Increased Focus On ESG Strategies

As company stakeholders, ranging from investors, customers and employees through to government bodies, increasingly direct their attention towards sustainable and socially responsible practices, leaders will look towards implementing ESG strategies for growth.

Already, we are seeing interest and investment in ESG increase, with companies seeking to reap its abundant benefits including top-line growth, reduction of operating costs, mitigation of regulatory and legal interventions, and talent attraction and retention.

As ESG establishes its prevalence, and consensus is refined surrounding its measurement, it will be crucial for leaders to establish a competitive strategy to stay ahead in their respective industries. In doing so, leaders will need to communicate their ESG focus effectively and efficiently to all relevant stakeholders by reflecting a proactive and strong approach towards its implementation.


Brands Will Compete For The ‘Badge’ Of Most Climate Friendly Company

The recent U.N. climate change report that sounded ‘code red for humanity’, will trigger a rush by brands to be seen as the most climate friendly company. This will be the new battleground for leadership. No longer will the drive for market ownership be just a question of market shares, turnover or profits. Instead, brands will have to demonstrate the active steps they are taking to save this beautiful planet. And prove their willingness to innovate, collaborate and share best practices so that their audiences believe that the action they take will make a tangible difference.


Other predictions from our Worldcom Experts:

  • PR Trends Predictions post where our consultants take a look at communications trends
  • Leadership/PR Strategy Predictions post where our experts predict leadership behavior and PR strategy trends
  • Digital Trends where our consultants take a look at the digital trends that will shape communications in the coming months
  • Workplace Trends where our consultants take a look at the future of work trends that will shape communications in the coming months
  • PR Agency Trends where our experts predict which trends will be affecting the communications environment in the next six months.

If you want to re-visit the predictions our Worldcom Experts made at the start of the 2021 you can view these here:

  1. Part 1: 2021 PR and Content Marketing Predictions
  2. Part 2: 2021 PR and Internal Comms/Employee Wellbeing Predictions
  3. Part 3: 2021 PR and Leadership/Strategy Predictions
  4. Part 4: 2021 PR and Sector Trends Predictions

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