What You Should Know About Social Media CTAs

Published on 30th August 2022

This insight post is a summary of the original blog post published by Jenna Salamon of True Digital Communications. View the original, full-length blog post: 3 Things You Should Know About Creating CTAs on Social

The right Call To Action (CTA) is the differentiator between getting your social posts scrolled past or engaging your audience. You can accomplish engaging CTAs by following these easy steps outlined below to encourage your audience to act!

1. Find Your Brand’s Voice

The first step in deciding what CTAs to use on your social media posts is clearly defining your brand voice. Mapping out the characteristics of your brand will help you visualize how you should be talking to your target audiences.  Netflix is among the top brands that have perfected their brand voice for social media. They have done a great job appealing to a large audience base by coining the term “Netflix and Chill” as well as showcasing their shows personalities.

Want to know how to find your brands voice? Watch this Two Minutes With True. 

2. Set Goals for Your Social Media Platforms

After defining your brand’s voice, it’s time to set goals that make sense. For example, what is the sole purpose of your posting strategy? Is it to boost brand awareness? Do you hope to foster and increase engagement with your audience? Understanding your goals can help tailor your content and decide clear CTAs for your audience to engage in.

Want to know more? Get one more tip you should know by reading the full blog post 3 Things You Should Know About Creating CTAs on Social. You can also find other insights on Social Media from our partner network.

True Digital Communications focuses on making digital marketing simple so clients can achieve anything. Its digital experts deliver smart, strategic solutions that connect with customers in meaningful ways by leveraging content marketing, social media, digital advertising and more. Founded in 2011, True continues to stay on the leading edge of digital trends to produce measurable results that make a difference.

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