How to Turn Organizational Purpose into Performance

Published on 21st May 2019

Blocks with letters spelling out "vision"

Now more than ever, organizations are recognizing the need to define and live their organizational purpose. From higher employee engagement and retention to higher financial performance for shareholders, the benefits of purpose-driven companies are becoming clearer every day.

Your organization may already have a clear purpose and set of values, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s being communicated in a way that will help achieve these results.

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker offers several tips for turning your organization’s purpose into higher performance:

Tips for Turning Purpose into Performance

  • Clearly communicate the organizational purpose. Research suggests this positively impacts both financial performance and forward-looking measure of performance.
  • Demonstrate and live by your purpose and values, starting with senior leadership. If words are not reflected by behavior, they ring hollow. When the organizational purpose drives decision-making from leadership, people believe it is authentic.
  • Involve employees of all levels of the organization. When employees help drive the process of embracing the organization’s purpose, it’s more likely to permeate the culture and shape behavior – even when leaders aren’t there to watch.
  • Invest in learning and development that reflects the organizational purpose. Employees want to think, learn and grow. Supporting this effort demonstrates the commitment to their professional growth within the organization.

Are you ready to explore your purpose? Read more insights on how to Turn Organizational Purpose into Performance from Nuffer, Smith, Tucker. Find our more about the role Employee Engagement played in the 2018 Worldcom Confidence Index.

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker is an independent public relations agency in San Diego, California. A diverse team dedicated to pushing themselves, the industry and their clients forward, it offers communication and strategic planning services as well as in-house graphics, website and interactive capabilities.

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