How To Integrate Social in Your 2024 Communication Strategy

Published on 30th December 2023

This insights post is a summary of the original blog post published by Coyne PR.  View the original blog: Level Up Your Comms Strategy in 2024: Creating Seamless Social Integration to Drive Success

Planning for 2024 – everyone is doing it. Planning season means creative briefs are being routed, IAT calls are scheduled, and brainstorming is underway. In today’s dynamic digital landscape, where influencers rack millions of video views, trends shift rapidly, and audience preferences evolve constantly, it’s imperative that social integration is part of your approach. Our partners at Coyne PR offer their top recommendations to integrate social media seamlessly into your 2024 communications strategy.

Seize the Moment: Create Unforgettable Moments

It is important to act on a moment swiftly to leverage the exposure. Some call it newsjacking, and others call it culture tapping.

Either way, quickly joining a conversation / trend is an effective way to bring brand relevancy to media, influencers, and consumers. That involves making sure your social listening process is clear. It should be able to identify opportunities – from TikTok trends to influencer mentions – and quickly act on them.

To find opportunities, it is necessary to prepare key stakeholders with integrate daily social listening and Cision, Google Alerts, and other media monitoring tools. From a clever brand reply to seeding products, quickly reacting to pop culture moments can break through across social media to resonate with target audiences.

See some real-life examples from our partners at Coyne PR in the full blog post: Level Up Your Comms Strategy in 2024: Creating Seamless Social Integration to Drive Success. 

Get more strategy  and social media tips from our partners.

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