How to Find the Best PR firm: Tips From the Experts

Published on 21st August 2021

This insight post is a summary of the original blog post authored by senior vice president Holly Wax of RH Strategic. View the original post: How to Find the Best PR Firm.

What does it really mean to have a PR firm on retainer? With the exception of short-term needs, such as handling an unexpected crisis, a public relations and communications firm makes for a long-term strategic partner that works closely alongside your marketing and leadership teams.   

Before you start sifting through the hundreds – or thousands – of options, our partners at Raffetto Herman Strategic Communications offer some things for consideration when searching for the best firm for your business. 

Three Questions to Ask Before You Start Looking for a PR Firm 

Before you can find the right PR firm, you need to define your wants and needs. Consider these three questions: 

1. What specific industry or subsector PR specialty does your company need? 

The PR firm you choose to work with should be an expert in your industry and customers so that you don’t have to pay them to develop the expertise. 

2. Do you want a local, national or international firm? 

You may be looking to build brand awareness in a specific media market or to break into top-tier North American media outlets. Perhaps you want both. Your PR firm should have the contacts and experiences to target your specific audience or partnerships with networks like the Worldcom Public Relations Group that can extend your reach to a worldwide audience. 

3. What kind of services do you need? 

Every firm has its own unique suite of solutions. Some marketing agencies list public relations as a service on their websites, but don’t specialize in it and therefore don’t have the contacts and strategic chops to do much more than send out press releases.  

Read the full blog post How to Find the Best PR Firm: Tips From the Experts”, for more things to keep in mind when searching for the perfect PR firm.  You can also read more about PR Strategy from our partners at Worldcom. 

RH Strategicis a Seattle and D.C.-based communications firm with a nationwide presence and additional global reach via membership in the Worldcom Public Relations Group. They provide strategic public relations for innovators in the technology, government and healthcare markets. 

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