How to Build Your Podcast

Published on 15th August 2023

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This insight post is a summary of the original blog post published by Airfoil Group. View the full post: Podcasting 101: How to Build Your Brand’s Podcast

Podcasts have taken the world by storm over the past decade. In today’s world there is a whole variety of podcasts ranging from True Crime to Financial Tips and Tricks. Many companies have used this as an avenue to educate their audience and define themselves as thought leaders in their respective industries. Are you thinking about getting your brand started with a podcast? It’s not too late – just keep a few things in mind when you start.

The short answer to developing a successful podcast is a whole lot of planning. Laying the blueprint for your podcast is no easy feat – especially when you’re coming from more of a niche angle. With more than 2.4 million podcasts out there in the world, you must be prepared to offer audiences something valuable enough to make them choose you out of an endless array of options.

So don’t rush the pre-launch phase – give your podcast a worthy foundation to build from by considering the following tips before you make your podcasting debut.

Who are you trying to reach?

A crucial first step to content creation is understanding your audience, and that is perhaps truer than ever before when it comes to podcasts. Saying you’re talking to “the manufacturing industry” or “OEMs” is not enough. Do your due diligence and scope out exactly which types of personas will benefit the most. Be thoughtful about setting the right agenda for each episode so you’re speaking to a particular persona at a time. This gives you the room to adequately cater your industry knowledge to their unique needs and interests.

Narrow down your format

Now that your audience is identified and your agenda is mapped out, how will you deliver your content? Will you be recording one-on-one interviews with experts in the field? What about a roundtable of experts? Or will your host be tackling things solo with their own commentary?

When Airfoil client EOS decided to launch its own podcast, we pursued a guest interview format, persuaded by the room it gave us not only to platform experts within the company who could speak to specific topics, but also to invite external industry figures to get in on the conversation. This format began to build a foundation of credibility for the company. On the other hand, it may seem unrealistic to invite a new guest each week as you are building your following. A sustainable starting point could be multiple hosts discussing industry trends and insights amongst themselves. Finally, determine your episode length. How much time does your ideal audience have to listen to a podcast? 25-35 minutes is generally a good window to give adequate, thorough discussion to a trending topic or interesting guest.

If you want to learn more about ironing out the production kinks, head over to the full blog post: Podcasting 101: How to Build Your Brand’s Podcast

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