Four Tips to Improve Your Creative Side on Social Media

Published on 31st October 2022

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This insight post summarizes the original blog post published by Phillips Group. View the original post:4 tips to improve your creative side on social media. 

An engaged brand is critical for a brand’s social media success. For instance, using Instagram and Facebook as an influencer builds connections for your brand and involves a lot of creative strategy and execution. 

Drive engagement by being real 

Give your followers a glimpse of ‘behind the scenes’ of your life or business. Posts that are overproduced and impersonal detract users and reduce engagement. It’s important to be conversational in captions and authentic. Give followers content that is exclusive to drive engagement and forge a brand connection. 

Post frequently and be creative 

Posting consistently is the key to gain feedback from your audience to understand when, how and why they like to see certain content appearing in their feed. Doing this makes sure your audience is getting what they want as your social accounts adapt and improve to stay interesting. 

Get closer to your audience 

Use the question stickers or @mention to your followers in Stories to build connections with your audience and consumers. Acknowledging Direct Message with a simple Like could earn your brand lifelong loyalty. 

Increase page views with creative IGTV content 

Utilize IGTV to increase page views, build brand awareness and influence brand engagement. IGTV are joining the bandwagon to create successful IGTV videos. Ensure your videos are captured in 9:16 dimensions to make the most of peoples viewing habits. Always start with a hook to make sure views keep watching.  Users must watch at least three seconds to be recorded as a view in most social analytics platforms. 

Want to learn more about growing engagement and building your brands connections on the Instagram community? Check out the full blog post: Four tips to improve your creative side on social media. 

You can also find partner insights on social media marketing.

Phillips group is a communication, creative and digital firm, We partner with our clients to drive success, protect and grow their reputation and brand, build trust with their stakeholders and create change that matters through strategy, bold ideas and action.

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