Our sector experts among our Worldcom Public Relations Group’s Global Partners, share their predictions and advice for the top trends and challenges that will shape communications and the PR environment in Latin America in 2024.
We’ve captured their thoughts in a seven-post series that covers everything from AI to sustainability. We’ve also included posts on two very important regions, Latin America and Malaysia and Indonesia.
We hope you find the advice helpful as you navigate your way through the challenges and opportunities that 2024 will bring.
Part 7 – The Dynamic Face of Latin America in 2024

More powerful stakeholders than ever
By Angélica Consiglio, CEO and Founder, Planin Comunicação, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Stakeholders will be increasingly questioning. With social media widely accessed by everyone, stakeholders gain even more power to express their opinions about brands and influence business decisions. We are witnessing a crucial shift in the audience and how people watch TV and consume news. Brazilians spend an average of over 9 hours a day browsing the Internet. In many cases, even more time. This creates great complexity for companies, which end up being forced to keep up with and be part of the global sphere to be noticed. It’s important to start the year by analyzing the trends, interests, causes, passions, communication channels of this audience, and topics that are fundamental today, such as diversity and sustainability. A structured PR plan will be essential to create, maintain, and bring closer the relationship with third parties, creating a communication dynamic for companies in all sectors.
Brazilian companies will invest in training leaders about the strategic contribution of communication
By Beatriz Imenes, Vice-president, Planin Comunicação, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Elevating Boardroom Communication: Traditionally, communication departments within Brazilian companies operated under the oversight of other directorates, such as Marketing or Human Resources. Nowadays, they have attained executive status and expanded their presence in boardrooms, propelled by the recognition that corporate reputation accounts for at least 30% of a brand’s market value. This year is set to be characterized by the decisive influence of communication on business strategies and the mission to safeguard brands and enterprises. Moreover, Boards of Directors are becoming increasingly mindful of this theme and are expected to invest in training and workshops to enhance the soft skills of their directors and leaders.
With an estimated population of 50 million, Central America is made up of the countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Belize. It is a region which sits at a pivotal geographic position and includes the Panama Canal, a world reference point for trade.
Our partners have looked ahead to how events in 2024 will present opportunities and challenges to local and international organisations in the region.

Honduras – Local and global companies will embrace different communication approaches
Led by a socialist government and the country’s first woman president, the country’s economy is predicted to grow by 3.6% by 2024. To win their share of this growing market, we predict that different communications approaches will be favoured by different types of organisations.
We expect international companies to invest in their communications and public relations departments supported by expert agencies. We expect large local companies to use advertising to protect their image and reputation. On the other hand, digital marketing will be preferred by local entrepreneurs and challenger brands. As with other regions in the world, we expect communication to be increasingly influenced by Artificial Intelligence and Public Relations will be no exception.
El Salvador – Organisations are waiting to see the outcome of major elections
Presidential and legislative assembly elections were held on 4 February, and President Bukele was re-elected. Organisations were expected to wait for the outcome of the elections before making significant investments.
This could represent an opportunity for brands to grab first mover advantage. We expect those that do, will use digital communications to drive home that advantage.
Panamá – Uncertainty around elections could inhibit the drive for innovation
Because of its strategic position for global trade, we expect to see Panama try to build its reputation for innovative and disruptive digital solutions and as a tourist and cultural destination in 2024.
However, Panama will hold its elections on 5 May 2024. There have been massive protests against mining and about social issues. These are likely to build in intensity as the elections approach. It will therefore be important for brands to clearly communicate the value they deliver during a period of uncertainty.
Download the updated 2025 Predictions eBook:

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