3 Reasons To Incorporate Podcast Strategy Into Your PR Planning

Published on 31st July 2024

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This insights post is a summary of the original blog post published by The Pollack Group. Get the original post at: Three Reasons To Incorporate A Podcast Strategy Into Your PR Plan.

Public relations strategies are continually forced to adapt to the dynamic media landscape. In recent years, the surge in podcast popularity has transformed this medium into a vital source of news and information for many. For brands, podcasts offer a unique platform to build credibility and enhance visibility.

The creation and evolution of podcasts got their start with he launch of the Apple iPod in 2001. The more open access to create and broadcast audio allowed for the democratized audio content creation. By 2004, the term “podcast” was coined, and their integration into daily routines took off, largely fueled by the growing iPod user base.

Today, podcasts are a staple for millions, with the average American tuning in to eight episodes weekly. Globally, there are over 5 million podcasts, reaching more than 500 million listeners. Among these is The Pollack Group’s own imPRessions podcast.

What sets podcasts apart is their vast array of topics, catering to diverse interests. This extensive range ensures that no matter your brand’s focus, your target audience is likely engaged and listening. By leveraging podcasts, brands can effectively connect with their audience and strengthen their market presence.

Increases brand awareness

First and foremost, podcast appearances boost brand awareness. Podcasting is a unique medium that promotes storytelling and discussion differently than other platforms. Podcast appearances are audio-focused and are easy listening. It also offers listeners a natural inflection, tone, and emotions in the speaker’s voice. Compared to written storytelling, this can be a faster route to gaining an audience’s trust and support. This trust can be strengthened by the relationship the podcast host has already established with its listeners.

Podcasts also help with search engine optimization (SEO), given the exposure across various podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more. Podcast transcripts can often be found on its host websites, which further benefits SEO. Once a podcast episode goes live, there are many external ways to promote the episode and extend its reach, such as social media promotion, newsletter inclusion, and blog posts.

To find the other reasons to include podcasts in your PR strategy read the full post at: Three Reasons To Incorporate A Podcast Strategy Into Your PR Plan.

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