2024 Focus Report: PR in Central Europe

CEE Report Cover - 2024 ReportFor many companies, the Central European (CE) market is relatively unknow. For this group, there are twists and turns for the region’s PR industry.

The first edition of Focus Report 2024: PR in Central Europe provides unique insights for the different countries in the region and the public relations industry.

The report paints a portrait of these emerging markets. It identifies their key characteristics and distils what we believe are the main takeaways for the public relations and communications sector.

There are many different insights about the PR industry in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. In the Worldcom edition, we have also have included insights from our partners on the PR industry in Bulgaria and Türkiye.

Although this region is considered to be under-resourced in comparison to large-scale markets, the report show that the success of PR activities in Central Europe is a testament to the creativity and broad-based know-how of their public relations industries.

Highlighted in the report is the inventive and resourceful public relations specialists in Central Europe who have proven they have the capacity to produce stellar results with smaller budgets than their Western counterparts, while also possessing the ability to work across various industries and oversee multiple projects simultaneously.

Focus Report 2024: PR in Central Europe assembles these countries’ top PR experts, who share their knowledge and insights including global challenges,  AI’s impact on content creation and strategy, media consolidation and the decline of traditional journalism.

The report covers principles, practice areas, success factors and a vision for the future.  Don’t miss out on the incredible insights and guidance for these growing public relations markets.

Download the 2024 Focus Report 2024: PR in Central Europe

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Country Insights on Public Relations

In addition to the overall report, we have created some overview trends and  insights for the individual countries in Central Europe.