Beutler Ink Relaunches Website to Streamline Communications and Update Style

Published on 19th August 2024

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Worldcom Partner, Beutler Ink, has relaunched their website.  Their new website,,  has undergone a transformation to help present a coherent story across services and client relationships. In 2013, the partner originally had a tagline, “We find your story and help you tell it.” Over the years, Beutler moved away from it.  However, Beutler has returned to their roots and brought back the tagline that still resonates across our services.

In addition to returning to the original tagline, the User Experience (UX) was update to from a listing of multiple services, to highlighting their expertise in Wikipedia and Brand Management.

“We’ve rededicated ourselves to our most popular service—the thing we do better than anyone else, the thing we did before anyone else, the very thing the company was founded on—our Wikipedia consulting,” said Bill Beutler.

You can find posts about Wikipedia on Worldcom and the Beutler Ink blog.

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