Why Your Communications Strategy Should Include Educational Content

Published on 15th March 2018

How many times have clients asked you to create “viral” content for their digital platforms? As communications professionals, we know that viral content cannot simply be created. However, many clients think their brands need entertaining, viral content to be successful. In reality, digital content that educates audiences is far more valuable for long-term results.

What do people want from brands?

In their recent blog post, our partners at Maverick shared some compelling insight on brand content. A study by Fastco Design surveyed over 5,000 people and found that respondents more actively engaged with brands whose content was funny, useful, beautiful and inspiring.

Although countless brands create content that is funny, beautiful and inspiring, it seems far fewer build their content strategy around providing useful information. This is a missed opportunity for marketers, as two-thirds of customers actually prefer marketing content that educates them on a particular subject or product.

How do brands benefit?

While other brands are concerned with creating flashy, entertaining content, your brand can use informative content to yield long-term results. When brands consistently provide valuable educational content, audiences view the brand as a trusted supporter and thought leader. Even better, brands may eventually position themselves as thought leaders on the subject.

Trust is the key to building long-term relationships with audiences. When audiences see a brand as a reliable expert on a subject, they will turn to that brand whenever they need information. Educate your audience with tools like online webinars, e-books, online tutorials and guides.

Even though viral content may yield impressive engagement in the short-term, valuable long-term results are best achieved by educating. Check out Maverick’s blog to read more about the impact of informative content and how to build valuable relationships with consumers.


Maverick is a channel-neutral communications consultancy focused on building, enhancing and protecting brands and reputations. Operating in Indonesia since 2002, Maverick is known for excellence in crisis issues management. Their specialists also work with clients in digital, community engagement, design, research and analytics, media relations and training.

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