Why public opinion won’t allow leaders to communicate as they did before COVID-19

Published on 30th June 2020

COVID-19 is changing customer and consumer expectations. The May results of the Worldcom Confidence Index has shown that expectations of leadership communication have changed.

Even during the global pandemic, leadership engagement with other significant issues such as sustainability has significantly increased. The level of leader engagement with reducing plastics and other sustainability issues increased by 44% from April.

But what has changed? Worldcom partner, Onva has outlined the reasons why public opinion won’t allow leaders to communicate as they did before COVID-19.

#MeToo marked a sea change in expectations

#MeToo marked a sea change in the expectations the public have of the leaders of organisations they have a relationship with. Suddenly, saying nothing wasn’t acceptable. Leaders had to have a clear position, and to make it public, or they would be accused of complicity through silence.

The lockdown effect accentuates the need to speak out

The lockdown has not only given people time to think, it’s made people recognise the value of human relationships and, it’s highlighted how badly we were all treating the planet. It’s also shown that organisations can operate successfully in a very different way than before.

Just look at how the #BlackLives Matter movement took hold. The combination of time, media consumption and a focus on human relationships meant that people who once might have been passive about witnessing a murder, felt compelled to act, to make their feelings public. And, to try and help affect change. Leaders, in turn, will be expected to be proactive and authentic on racism.

Get more insights about leadership communication post COVID-19 from Onva. You can find more information on communication trends from Worldcom Partners.

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