When PR for Startups Makes Sense

Published on 28th March 2019

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When should a startup engage in PR efforts? Note that it’s a matter of when and not if.

While most companies tend to think of Public Relations as a tool to promote products or services, startups have the unique opportunity to use PR for more creative purposes.

LF Channel argues that PR for startups can aid efforts to reach key audiences and create long-lasting, valuable connections. Because of this, startups should include PR in their communications strategy right from the start. 

In their blog, LF Channel breaks down some of the key ways startups can use PR to their advantage.

Storytelling to Build Awareness & Trust

When startups actively engage in PR activities to share their story – the “why” behind the organization and their vision for the future – people listen.

Stories resonate with people, and harnessing PR to get that message to key audiences early in the company’s development is crucial. For startups, effective PR can support fundraising, attract talent, announce business developments, increase brand awareness and more.

Launch New Products & Services

While startups typically have a longer time to market than established organizations, PR can increase visibility when the product or service is finally ready for launch.

If the startup nurtures relationships with PR professionals and relevant media early, these connections will be valuable when the product or service finally arrives. Investing the time and resources to build relationships from the start will have a wider impact in the future.

Want more thoughts on PR for startups? Check out the full blog from LF Channel.

Founded in 1996, LF Channel has grown to include offices in Barcelona and Madrid, Spain. In the past 21 years, LF Channel’s commitment to producing results has earned them a reputation of reliability and trust with clients, media and market influencers. LF Channel specializes in lifestyle, consumer electronics and technology markets.

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