Using the SUCCESS Model to Craft Memorable Messages

Published on 26th December 2018

Image on hands scrawling on business notepad

Does your company communicate its message in a way that audiences will remember?

In a digital world with constant streams of new content and advertisements, brands are finding it increasingly difficult to break through the noise. To craft memorable messages for your audiences, Próbakő Communications suggests using the SUCCESS model. Messages following this model are:








When we talk about simplicity in messaging, that doesn’t merely mean shortening a message. Rather, simple messages limit their scope to highlight only 1-3 main messages. When audiences are presented too many ideas, they have a difficult time recalling all of the information and often cannot identify the most important points. Limiting the scope of your message helps your main points stand out more clearly in the audience’s mind.


People become accustomed to certain norms and formulas in messaging – and daring to break these norms doesn’t go unnoticed. Challenge yourself to leave behind the formulas and templates you’ve used in the past and try something completely original.


The mind is designed to remember concrete facts and ideas more easily than abstract concepts.  We can recall information that is specific and offers details that help us picture the object or idea more clearly. Use concrete, tangible and comprehensible details to make information easier for audiences to remember. This may vary based on the specific audience you are targeting, but the guiding principle is always the same.

Visit the Próbakő Communications blog to learn how to create memorable messages using the other elements of the SUCCESS model in Hungarian or English.

Established in 2003, the Próbakő Communications team consists of PR, content marketing, social media and digital communication professionals. Próbakő and its partner company, Carbon Group, together represent a full-service communications group, proficient in planning and running integrated campaigns.

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