Trends That Will Mark Strategic Communication in 2022

Published on 20th January 2022

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Don’t Miss Trend Predictions for 2024 with our Emerging 2024 Trends in The Ever-Shifting Communications Landscape insights:



This insight post is a summary of the original blog post published by our partners at MC Comunicaciones. View the original post: Las 9 tendencias que marcarán la comunicación estratégica en el 2022. 

It’s no surprise that 2020 and 2021 flipped communications on its head and left many decision-makers in a place of uncertainty. As we go into 2022, it’s more than clear that strategic communication is an indispensable discipline for organizations. Our partners at MC Comunicaciones offer nine trends that point to substantial transformation in various aspects.  

Communication for diversity

The corporate environment of the 21st century calls for the development of values such as empathy and solidarity. One goal of communication in this new year is to promote powerful meetings and dialogues that strengthen business sustainability and social respect. The coherence between what is defined, planned, and said must start from the inside by establishing conversations with collaborators and key audiences.

Corporate reputation –validated in fiscal management  

In today’s world, public opinion is just as important as the result of fiscal management. External perception builds relevance, contributes to reputation, consolidates the image of a brand, and represents the authenticity and transparency of organizations – not only in the social sphere, but also in their economic behavior. Companies who are transparent gain greater presence and profitability in the stock market. For this reason, storytelling helps a brand emotionally connect with the vision and values of the organization; but only the story-doing creates true relationships of trust with stakeholders. 

Content focused on audiences 

In 2022, companies need to move away from corporate interests and begin to prioritize the interests of their audiences by generating emotional content that is aligned with what they want to see, hear, and read. 

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed a new way to relate; companies had to look for strategies that would minimize the emotional impact of employees who had to telecommute – and perhaps are still waiting for the green light to come back into the office. 

Communications strategies, especially internal ones, should focus on inclusive approaches that ensure connectivity between the company and employees. Efforts will continue to be focused on creating content that provokes motivation and generate tranquility and confidence in the people who are part of the most affected companies, transforming corporate culture to survive times of uncertainty. 

Head over to the full blog post The 9 trends that will mark strategic communication 2022 for more insights.  


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