Three Ways to Drive Enrollment Using Social Media

Published on 20th March 2017

WorldCom partner, Schneider Associates, discusses how the rules of of engagement have changed. Researched demonstrates that using social media has been highly effective in driving conversation with applicants. By using integrated marketing and lead-generation work for schools, Schneider Associates have found 3 ways to effectively use social media to drive enrollment.

There are many social media platforms used to help drive enrollment. It is important to create thematic content for each of these platforms. Thematic content is created to educate potential students about the school and get them to take action. Thematic content needs to grab the reader’s attention. Humorous thematic content has been known to work in the past, driving more traffic to these sites. Pictures, videos, and podcasts are successful in driving traffic because it allows students to put themselves into the situation.

The article also discusses is the importance of easy conversation. Using text messages and Facebook messaging to quickly respond to applicants is important in the research process. Lastly forcing content into your stream and making sure information continues to flow.

Find out more ways to reach potential students using social media and increase your enrollment numbers today.   

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