Strengthen Your PR Measurement Using This Framework

Published on 11th February 2020

Tying public relations success to quantifiable metrics is a challenge that has always existed. The shift towards digital communications has given PR professionals more metrics to prove the effectiveness of their efforts on the company’s bottom line. But even with these advancements in measurement, PR measurement and performance reporting still remains a top challenge for industry professionals.

Tábua Digital outlines a framework for evaluating the success and ROI of a public relations campaign. While these principles are not strict rules, they can offer guidance when it comes time to assess campaign performance:

Metrics Framework for PR Measurement for Campaign Performance

  • Start with clear goal-setting and KPIs

When you state the campaign objective, also be sure that quantitative metrics are identified to address who, what, when and how much impact is expected from the campaign.

  • Provide context when reporting results

Impressions alone do not provide a complete picture of the campaign. Media measurement also needs to account for impressions between the public and the quality of the stakeholders, including tone, credibility of the source and medium, delivery of messages, inclusion of third-party spokespersons, and more.

  • Eliminate Advertising Value Equivalency from reporting

Although advertising value equivalency (AVE) has been a public relations standard for years, today’s industry leaders agree that it is not a useful metric to include in reporting, and may actually be misleading.

  • Don’t overlook social media reporting

Social media measurement tools have advanced over the years, offering the potential for more consistent measurement that goes beyond vanity metrics. Engagement metrics offer PR professionals valuable insight into what messages resonate strongly with audiences.

  • Answer these three questions in every report

First, what was the brand impact? In other words, how did the campaign affect overall brand awareness? Second, what was the digital impact of the campaign? Did the campaign help drive traffic to key digital assets? Finally, did the campaign foster conversions or create stronger brand advocacy?

Get more insights from Tabua on how to use this PR measurement framework to measure the success of your campaigns.  You can also find more insights from partners about using technology in public relations.

Tábua Digital is a digital marketing agency based in Portugal that specializes in public relations, social media community management, influencer marketing, SEO/SEM, online reputation management and start-ups communication. Since 2017, Tábua has dedicated its efforts to both clients and the community through the 10% Project, encouraging employees to devote 10% of their time to volunteer for social causes and actions to support the local Portuguese community.

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