Plan B for Postponed Events

Published on 12th August 2020

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This insight post is a summary of the original blog post authored by Beutler Ink. View the original, full-length blog post.

Live events such as conferences, expos, etc. allow marketers to interact directly with customers, prospects, and partners. These events are key in driving success for some businesses, but COVID-19 has caused them to halt for the foreseeable future. 

Worldcom partners at Beutler Ink offer insight on how businesses can still achieve goals by creatively using alternative marketing efforts.  

Goal – Brand awareness

Brand awareness is often a common goal at any live event. The alternative here is to increase your spend on paid social media. By doing this, you will be able to drive more traffic and reach larger and more qualified audiences.

Goal – Educate audiences

You can’t be there to explain your product or service, so now what? Create a video! A 60- or 90-second video is great for a narrative-driven, high-level introduction. 120 seconds is better for talking through complicated features. Five minutes is something closer to a product demo. Figure out the right video for you and market it. These pieces of video content can go a long way for future postings as well. 

Goal – Grow your list of leads 

Live events help you capture leads that you can later turn into sales. One way you can capture leads without these events is by creating an asset loaded with information that can solve your potential customers’ problem, then place it on your website behind an email gate.

Goal – Build brand affinity 

This is the time to be imaginative and to try something new that will create a positive experience for your potential customers on a digital platform. This can be creating customized GIPHY stickers. Or a choose-your-own-adventure-themed microsite.

Goal – Build relationships

Use LinkedIn! Although this is no magical connection made at an event, establishing relationships on LinkedIn is extremely important. A good way to maintain a solid presence is to check your account daily, reach out to connections, nurture relationships, share content, and engage in groups.

To see more goals visit the original blog post Plan B for Postponed Events.

Beutler Ink is a digital agency that focuses on creating custom marketing solutions that meet core sales and growth objectives. While being an industry leader in Wikipedia strategy, its agency works with global brands like Google, Verizon, Uber, Amazon and more to help them share stories with their online audiences through stunning visuals and clear, concise copywriting.

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