Listen to the Data: Numbers Tell the Greatest Stories

Published on 11th June 2020

This insight post is a summary of the original blog post authored by True Digital Communications. View the original, full-length blog post.

Data may be complicated to understand, but in the modern world it has never been more accessible. Taking numbers and understanding what they are really saying about your goals leads to the next powerful skill: bridging the gap between content and data.

Worldcom partners at True Digital Communications give tips on how to understand your data to create great content. 

If the numbers show something is working well, keep doing it! 

Look at how things are performing. If something is doing well, look at ways to enhance and expand the topic and content. If you have a piece of content that performed exceptionally well a few years ago, revisit it and see how you can update and revive it. 

If the numbers show something ISN’T working, then stop doing it!  

Don’t continue to spend time and energy on things that aren’t working. If you feel this piece of content could be extremely valuable to your audience, then take a step back and figure out ways to rework your strategy and execution. If you’re unsure if something will perform well, do some A/B testing at the onset of a campaign. 

Ads drawing in the wrong audience 

What are your numbers saying about the traffic you’re getting? If you’re drawing in the wrong audience, revisit your targeting with Google Ads. When you readjust your audience you may see a dip in numbers but don’t panic, that means you’re starting to see a shift in the customers that you want. 

For the final three tips on using data to drive your content, check out the full blog by True Digital Communications.

True Digital Communications focuses on making digital marketing simple so clients can achieve anything. Its digital experts deliver smart, strategic solutions that connect with customers in meaningful ways by leveraging content marketing, social media, digital advertising and more. Founded in 2011, True continues to stay on the leading edge of digital trends to produce measurable results that make a difference.

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