Is Your Influencer Campaign Going to Be a Success?

Published on 29th November 2017

Studies have suggested that 74 percent of people online turn to social media for guidance on purchase decisions. Plus, 40 percent of people say they purchased an item online after seeing it used by an influencer. This means that social media and influencer marketing are very powerful tools that can be leveraged to help increase your sales if done strategically. Today’s online influencers are gaining momentum in shaping how consumers view brands.

Linhart PR has a few tips to ensure your campaign is a success:

Set realistic and measurable goals
Influencer marketing can achieve various goals. Make sure to understand what you are trying to achieve once the program is complete.

Do your research
Find the right influencer based on who will connect with your target audience in a meaningful way. It’s not just about views and followers. Look for quality, not quantity.

Stay true to your brand
Look for an influencer that reflects the values of your brand. Stay focused in your selection so you don’t alienate your brand loyal followers.





Find out two additional tips on how influencer marketing can help grow your brand and get more consumer engagement by visiting Linhart’s blog, 5 Tips to Ensure Your Influencer Marketing Campaign is a Success.


Linhart PR is a PR agency located in Denver, Colorado that works to understand client’s business objectives, work with forward-thinking companies, leverage relationships and deliver value to its clients. To learn more, visit the Linhart PR.


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