Is the Pandemic Changing the Perception of Female Leadership?

Published on 10th December 2020

This insight post is a summary of the original blog post authored by Marta Muir of Onva. Is the Pandemic Changing the Perception of Female Leadership?

A COVID-19 vaccine is in sight around the globe. Now, observers are starting to more closely examine how various leaders handled the most significant crisis of our time and the impact their actions had on their country’s infection curve. 

Are female leaders better at handling a crisis than male leaders?

Various articles and studies have examined this topic. An August study suggested that female-led countries handled the pandemic better than those led by men. 

This NBC News article explores whether women lead differently during a crisis and suggests women show three leadership attributes that are crucial in a crisis – risk awareness, prioritizing safety and looking at the whole picture. 

Women’s ability to view challenges in an interconnected way seems particularly crucial when managing COVID-19’s unprecedented challenges that forced us to change the way we live.

Does this explain why female leaders became more confident within the last year?

The 2020 Worldcom Confidence Index found that female leaders’ confidence level increased by seven percent from 2019 to 2020, while male leaders experienced a seven percent decrease in confidence. What had been a confidence gap of 16% between the genders a year ago, has almost closed completely.

What does this mean for your organization?

To get Marta’s full take and find out what this research could mean for your organization, read the original blog post and other COVID 19 communications insights.

View the full Worldcom Confidence Index Annual Report for more results.

Based in the UK, Onva was founded to help businesses grow by using conversational marketing and sales. All their services are aimed at increasing revenue and profit by improving the effectiveness of sales and marketing through the close engagement of their clients’ customers and employees – regardless of whether they are business buyers or consumers. Their proven approach focuses on increasing loyalty and advocacy and then capitalizing on this by getting customers and employees to recommend positively, co-create content and share innovative ideas.

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