How to Tap into Talent for Growth

Published on 27th November 2018

Photo of young employees engaged in a discussion

In a competitive market, public relations agencies can leverage talent for growth to differentiate themselves and make valuable gains. However, effectively tapping into talent requires a strategic yet flexible approach.

 “Companies need to bring in change and adapt themselves to new realities as they integrate a new wave of talent and thinking.” – Aman Gupta, SPAG

To maximize this valuable asset, PR businesses need to understand, manage, build and evolve ‘talent’ at multiple levels. SPAG details how agencies can invest in their talent efforts on their blog.

Invest in Engaging Existing Talent for Growth

Before bringing in new talent, look for opportunities to grow and maximize your existing talent. Leaders should encourage and engage current employees to reinvent or acquire new skill sets. In the age of digital and social media, new skill sets like data analytics and digital project management is becoming increasingly vital for growth.

Attract Professionals with New Skill Sets

While it is essential that existing employees continually evolve their skill sets, it is also valuable to attract new talent that can bring additional skills to the table. Millennial and Gen Z professionals can offer a particularly unique perspective on digital channels based on their lifelong exposure to social media and digital marketing.

Additionally, professionals in this age demographic can provide agencies insight into the specific needs and preferences of the largest growing consumer segment. One way that PR firms can attract this growing segment is to engage in college outreach programs and help emerging professionals understand how their skills can be used to build a successful career.

View the entire blog from SPAG to gain more insights on using talent for growth.


SPAG is an award-winning Public Relations and Advocacy firm, known for offering communication strategies that shape conversations, influence perceptions, cultivate constructive knowledge and to keep the dialogue going. SPAG specializes in pharma, healthcare and life sciences sectors. Their service portfolio includes traditional media outreach, social media activation, KOL engagement, corporate reputation management, crisis communication, media buying and market entry strategies.

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