How to Prove Social Media Drives Conversions

Published on 22nd May 2018

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Businesses are using social media more frequently, but there is still skepticism from senior management about the actual impact on sales and revenue. With the right digital insights, however, your agency can provide hard data that demonstrates how social media drives conversions.

Beutler Ink, a Worldcom partner based in Washington, D.C., has mastered tracking the journey guests’ go from social platforms to websites to sales or conversions. These types of tracking analytics don’t have to be hard – you can get started with a few simple steps:

Pixel Your Visitors

Pixels are small bits of code created by Facebook, Twitter and other platforms that track users by their IP addresses. You can get the code for pixels from the ad manager interface on the platform. Once you have the code, install on your website, product pages and other completion pages.

The process for installing the pixels is fairly straightforward and can have major implications for your social reporting. With pixels, you can directly report how engagement on social media drives conversions.

Use Tracking Links

While pixels are a great first step to demonstrate how social media drives conversions, tracking links can help identify what specific content is driving the most traffic to your website.

Tracking links use simple coding to identify important reporting data about your campaign, such as the site where an ad appeared, the campaign name and keywords that were used in the ad.

To use tracking links, you first much create a unique link with the campaign details by using tools like the Google Analytics URL Builder. Then, you’ll need to use the unique tracking link in the URL for each social post. Finally, you can view the results of each post in Google Analytics for reporting.

Interested in learning other ways to demonstrate how social media drives conversions?  Read the full blog post from Beutler Ink for other digital tools and methods for tracking.


Beutler Ink is a digital agency that works with global brands like Google, Verizon, Uber, Amazon and more to help them share stories with their online audiences through stunning visuals and clear, concise copywriting. Beutler Ink provides services for information design, database and field research, effective storytelling and data analysis. The firm is also the industry leader in Wikipedia strategy.

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