How to Optimize Business Performance Through Employee Engagement

Published on 30th July 2021

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This insight post is a summary of the original blog post posted by Phillips Group. View the original post: Optimizing business performance beings with improving employee engagement.

It has been extremely difficult for businesses to separate themselves from competitors in this increasingly dynamic economic environment. Developing a strong employee engagement strategy will help you get back on track and outrival your competitors. Get started with these strategies: 

Empower your employees to deliver the business strategy 

  • Align leadership; identify the actions required to build trust and credibility 
  • Define the desired behaviors that are needed for the organization to achieve business success 
  • Communicate the values and behaviors to ensure employee buy-in 
  • Establish built-in accountability to ensure that each employee fulfills their commitments 
  • Build a favorable environment that empowers people so that both leadership and employees share the benefits 
  • Reinforce vision, values and associated behaviors through storytelling 
  • Recognize and reward success. 

Communicate and engage effectively to live the values 

Two-way communication between management and employees is key to successful employee engagement. This builds trust and forms the basis for personable engagement, emotional attachment, involvement and commitment by all parties. 

Align organizational success with personal, employee success 

Individuals whose personal values are aligned with their employer’s culture are likely to be more engaged. Employees should easily understand the vision and values and how their role links to the business’ goals. Successful organizations instill belief and behavior in a targeted, personalized and purposeful way where all programs, policies and operations are aligned.  

Get two more strategies on improving employee engagement in the full blog post, Optimizing business performance beings with improving employee engagement.

Find other insights and resource on Employee Engagement.

Phillips Group is an award-winning, strategic Public Relations, Communications, Digital Marketing and Creative company based in Brisbane, Queensland. Since 1976, Phillips Group has provided their expertise in Corporate, Infrastructure, Energy & Resources, Public Sector and Stakeholder Engagement to clients 


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