Engaging Audiences without In-Person Events

Published on 12th May 2020

The current state of the world has sent a new wave of challenges to businesses and organizations as new policies, procedures, and orders continue to shape day-to-day business activities.

When something as large scale as a crisis occurs, or even something as small as cancellations, not having face-to-face events can affect a brand’s ability to connect with their customers. Since these moments are essential to lead generation and overall brand awareness, you can gain the same benefits of in-person events by thinking digital. Implementing a digital strategy is an effective fix to ensure your brand’s reach continues to expand.

True Digital Communications offers 5 tips to transform your events with online technology:

Optimize and create new web pages

If you have to cancel a major event or will not be attending a major event, simply posting a notice to your homepage letting your stakeholders know is an effective way to connect with them. If the event was one that your organization planned to present, table, or show off a product, consider making a new page that uses digital elements (videos, copy, pdfs) to give the same message they would have received in person.

Emailing can keep you connected

Updating your customers and stakeholders through an email list is a great way to stay connected. Create a newsletter that has updates on the current situation, and if necessary, a direct email to explain to your stakeholders what is going on. If you don’t have an existing email program, this platform also presents a great way to gain new business leads.

Social media creates two-way communication

Creating social media content can keep you connected to your target audiences. Content can include formats such as short videos, live streaming events, ongoing posts, and more to keep the communication stream flowing. 

Communicating Detail with Videos

Videos are a great tool to help consumers understand key messages, value propositions and product details.  Videos are easier to consume compared to long-format written content. Consider creating videos to ensure your message is clear, consistent, and in a format connects with the audience. 

Promote with Digital Advertising

If the budget allows it, create digital ads to help drive new business and stakeholders to your newly created content. Finding budget for digital ads could from saving in other operational areas such as reduced travel plans for original face-to-face meetings. 

These are not all the digital strategies to consider, but some of the most effective ways to foster a connection form a distance.  You can also find more partner insights from our feature on Importance of Event and Trade Show Management.

True Digital Communications is an agency in Cleveland, Ohio that focuses on all things digital. From educational organizations to nonprofits to building materials and more, the team worlds to show the power of digital assets when it comes to meeting performance goals. The True team continues to stay up-to-date with digital advancements through continuous educations and serves its clients with cutting-edge strategy.

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