Content marketing builds relationships

Published on 28th August 2017

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According to the B2B Content Marketing 2017 Benchmarks issued by the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2B marketers say they will produce more content in 2017 than they did in 2016. This statistic is an important percentage to note because content marketing can really elevate a brand and build that brand loyalty everyone wants. Marketers must remember that B2B content marketing is a whole different ball game compared to B2C content marketing.

Luckily, Dix & Eaton has lined out seven critical steps to better B2B content marketing. It discusses the importance of objectives and business goals and how to develop a content marketing strategy. The point of content marketing is to ultimately help your business reach its goals, or you’ve failed. Dix & Eaton continues to discuss the importance of identifying your audience and determining when you are going to reach them. It also reminds us that content marketing takes time to see results. You’re building a relationship and long-term support.

Dix & Eaton is an integrated communications and public relations firm that has experts in media relations, marketing communications, crisis and investor relations. They work across the board to ensure they are doing work that encompasses all they have to offer as well as reach their clients’ business goals. Dix & Eaton has worked with clients like Southwest, Illinois Tool Works Inc., American Greetings, Energizer, Goodyear, The Cleveland Orchestra and more. Dix & Eaton has a lot of experience working with branding, content marketing, marketing research and more.

Take a page from them and read more about the 7 steps to better B2B content marketing.

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