AI Methodology Pushes the Boundaries of PR Research

Published on 23rd December 2019

The 2019 Worldcom Confidence Index Report used groundbreaking artificial intelligence (AI) research methodology to gain insights from over 58,000 leaders around the globe. In partnership with Advanced Symbolics Inc., the study serves as an example of ways AI technology can break barriers within research methodology.

HBI PR & Marcom explores the methodology behind the study and other ways the technology can be used to expand and strengthen research efforts for communications professionals.

Break Down Language Barriers

The AI research technology used by Advanced Symbolics, Inc. was able to collect data and facts across all languages. The ability to break down language barriers expanded the reach of the study to levels previously unprecedented.

But the technology doesn’t only overcome language barriers – it’s also designed to differentiate between various conversation styles. In regards to the 2019 Worldcom Confidence Index, a cross-thematic atmosphere was designed to train the AI to accurately recognize and assess communication styles.

Comprehend Contextual Information

Because the 2019 Worldcom Confidence Index Report used AI to assess communications from CEOs and CMOs on social media, ensuring the salience of contextual information was essential to the success of the study.

For example, political attitudes were a relevant contextual factor, particularly on social media. The AI technology was able to compensate for biases and differences across large samples. To check and fine-tune the technology, samples were pulled from the data set and reviewed internally for accuracy.

Guaranteed Data Security

Data security played an essential role in the research conducted by Advanced Symbolics, Inc. All data used within the study is publicly available, with no protected data included. The data collected for the Confidence Index Report was pulled directly from public social media profiles. The major difference is that AI technology was able to pull extensive information more easily at a larger scale.

Additionally, the collected data was encrypted within the sample. In fact, the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada assessed the AI methodology and certified it for responsible data protection.

Want to learn more about the AI research methodology behind the Confidence Index Report? Get more insights from HBI about using AI for research and download the 2019 Confidence Index report.

HBI PR & Marcom have over 30 years of experience and specialize in communications around technology products making them specialized in communications around technology-related topics for over 30 years. They have extensive experience in traditional PR, social media, marketing and seminars and have worked with a huge scope of companies ranging from start-ups to global groups and local SMBs. Some of the world’s best-known brands entrust their communications to HBI’s expertise. The agency strives to introduce and establish emerging companies selling innovative products or services in the German-speaking market. Today they support customers from the whole area of technology – business-to-business, consumer electronics and industrial IT. They also have clients in other sectors, such as consulting, hospitality, healthcare, engineering as well as transportation.

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