3 Ways a Family Vacation Can Influence a Marketing Program

Published on 3rd October 2021

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This insight post is a summary of the original blog post published by Lisa Zone of Dix & Eaton. View the original post: 3 ways your family vacation can influence your marketing program. 

Everyone’s needs are different.

No one needs reminding that everyone vacations differently. Some want to stack the full week’s agenda on day 1 while others would prefer to read by the pool. The point is – everyone’s needs are different on a family vacation, which may need some adjusting and compromising to make the vacation a success. 

Now translate that mindset to your marketing program. How are you ensuring your marketing efforts aren’t one-size-fits-all? If you haven’t done so recently (or ever), now may be a good time to do some persona work to make sure your brand is delivering what each of your stakeholders needs. 

Pictures tell stories.

A rite of passage with any family vacation seems to be the obligatory end-of-vacation photo dump. Why? Because we want to document and remember the trip in more vivid detail than just our memory alone might allow. Pictures serve as colorful reminders of what was happening both in front of and behind the camera. Family vacation pictures evoke emotions.

Now, think about your brand’s marketing efforts. Do the photos you use to evoke emotion and tell a story? Or are you using and re-using the same stock imagery you’ve been using for years? Or are you selecting photography more to satisfy the design layout than to truly tell a story?  

Your pictures from vacation and travel should serve as a reminder that powerful images captured in photography can really advance your brand’s story. Is it time to give your brand a boost and allocate some budget to a photo shoot or custom illustrations? 

To read the last way a vacation can improve a program, read 3 ways your family vacation can influence your marketing program.”

Dix & Eaton is a strategic communications consultancy specializing in investor relations, crisis communications, media relations and marketing communications. Working as trusted partners focused on driving results, Dix & Eaton combines deep experience, foresight and creativity with digital intelligence and analysis to help clients realize the full power of communication and generate greater return on investment. Founded in 1952, Dix & Eaton is 100 percent employee-owned and has twice been named the nation’s best midsized firm. 

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